Domain 4: Professional Responsibility

Professional Learning and Ethical Practice and Leadership and Collaboration are shown in Domain 4 to demonstrate professional responsibility. Membership in professional organizations, scholoarsips and volunteer work are highlighted below.

The Teacher Keys Effectiveness System (TKES) is a common evaluation system designed for building teacher effectiveness and ensuring consistency and comparability throughout the state. The Teacher Keys Effectiveness System (TKES) consists of three components that provide multiple sources of data. The TEKS Goals that I with my Mentor for the year 2020-2021 are listed below.

The Final paper for the Pedagogy of Mathematics Instruction shows evidence of assessing practitioner-oriented journals to inform my teachings. The paper is written as a Top 10 List of practices to be included in the classroom.

Our Community Mapping Project is a collaboration with one teacher at the Middle School and one teacher in the connecting High School. The project reflects my journey of becoming a reflective practitioner by studying the community and the students that I will serve prior to the first day of school.


NSTA – National Science Teaching Association

GSTA – Georgia Science Teaching Association

NEANational Education Association

I Am STEM Camps – Volunteer

Science Fair Judge 2021


National Science Foundation Grant

Robert Norse Scholar

DSPETL Scholar – Developing STEM Professionals as Exemplar Teacher Leaders

Golden Key Scholar